
我们庆祝和感谢我们慷慨的校友, 父母, 受托人, foundations and other friends of Pitzer College who have established or support need-based scholarships to the tremendous benefit of our students’ academic aspirations.

请浏览以下信息,了解奖学金的巨大影响, to meet some of our student scholars and to see how you can help change lives and build futures through scholarship support. 您也可以访问我们的冠名捐赠奖学金页面 查看匹泽现有捐赠奖学金的列表和描述. Contact the 大学发展办公室 if you have questions about creating or supporting a scholarship: 909.621.8130 or (电子邮件保护)

  • 践行我们的价值观

    每年,Pitzer都会招收来自世界各地的一整班有才华的学生. Students of diverse backgrounds are attracted to Pitzer because they recognize the lifelong values of an education emphasizing social justice, 跨文化理解和环境敏感性.

    随着对值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台教育兴趣的增加,对经济援助的需求也在增加. 奖学金 ensure that Pitzer College can admit the very best and most qualified applicants into our prestigious academic program.

    我们仍然致力于满足被录取学生100%的经济需求, 但这并不容易. 奖学金捐赠者是真正的心脏,使值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台教育的访问. 通过设立奖学金,你打开了原本紧闭的大门.

    Contact the 大学发展办公室 if you have questions about creating or supporting a scholarship: 909.621.8130 or (电子邮件保护).

    没有捐赠者的慷慨, 我在这四年中的成功是不可能的, and I cannot find the words to sufficiently express how important donations are to so many Pitzer students like me who can excel in higher education but don’t have the resources to make their dreams a reality.——Allisyn Ruttle, 16岁

  • 吸引优秀学生

    匹泽始终坚定不移地致力于成为一个包容性的公司, diverse campus and ensure that students from lower- and middle-income families can receive a Pitzer education regardless of economic circumstances. 然而, many of the best and brightest students do not have the resources to cover the full expense of a Pitzer degree. 通过奖学金支持, 你们帮助家庭克服经济困难,并允许匹泽选择最强大的家庭, 最具天赋的学生申请入学:穷并不意味着不能被录取. 这让值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台充满活力.

    Contact the 大学发展办公室 if you have questions about creating or supporting a scholarship: 909.621.8130 or (电子邮件保护).

    ——Diego Arroyo ' 18
    ——Diego Arroyo ' 18

    “非常感谢您给我一个继续学习的机会! 作为低收入者, 第一代, 拉丁裔大学生, I have had to face certain financial barriers that I have only been able to overcome through scholarships like yours. I hope to one day have the opportunity to pay it forward to the many students who will enter higher education and will be faced with a multitude of financial barriers. It is my belief that no individual should be denied the opportunity to an education simply because of a lack of economic resources.”


  • 减少学生贷款债务

    另外, Pitzer College is deeply committed to helping students leave college with as little debt as possible. It is alarming to realize that there is now greater student loan debt than credit card debt in the US. 通过奖学金支持, 值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台大学学生毕业时的学生贷款比全国平均水平低20%. 在2015年 U.S.新闻 & 世界最佳大学报告 出版, Pitzer is ranked #20 among National Liberal Arts Colleges with the Least Student Loan Debt at Graduation.

    Your scholarship support allows students to live out their goals without worrying about repaying massive debt.

    Contact the 大学发展办公室 if you have questions about creating or supporting a scholarship: 909.621.8130 or (电子邮件保护).

    ——Forrest Fulgenzi(18岁
    ——Forrest Fulgenzi(18岁


    “谢谢你给我这个礼物. 它不仅能让我完成在匹泽的学业, 但它让我可以追求自己的梦想,而不用担心背负沉重的学生债务.”

  • 保持竞争

    值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台因其选择性而名列前茅, 以及越来越多的学院申请, 我们的选择性只会增加. 在值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台录取的优秀学生中, 当然, 有些人在考虑去值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台大学读书时,会考虑去其他学校. It is imperative that we secure additional scholarship contributions so that we can offer competitive financial assistance and enrich our campus community with a diversity of viewpoints, 值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台如何改变世界的人生经历和想法. Phenomenal students want to attend Pitzer; your support is needed to get them here and help them stay here.

    Contact the 大学发展办公室 if you have questions about creating or supporting a scholarship: 909.621.8130 or (电子邮件保护).

    “谢谢你! so much for your support and for making it possible for financially disadvantaged students such as me to attend a great college that will help me develop my future and give me a greater chance of having a thorough foundation for a career.——威尔·奥尔蒂斯(19岁

  • 设立奖学金

    Pitzer College invites you to support students and participate in increasing our ability to provide need-based assistance to those who dream of a obtaining a college degree but do not have the means to fulfill the financial obligations. 我们鼓励你 创建你自己的命名捐赠奖学金基金 这对你来说是最重要的. 也许没有其他慈善事业对学生的影响更大.

    你目前的情况是否妨碍你建立自己的奖学基金, 我们邀请您向匹泽现有的捐赠奖学金或年度奖学金捐款, 所有这些都将受益于你的慷慨,并为学生服务. 这些奖学金的名单可以在这里找到.

    Help us provide access to a Pitzer education to aspiring students who need a financial leg-up to earn a college degree and prepare for a future of service, 领导力和创意改变了世界. 请致电909与学院发展办公室联系.621.8130 or (电子邮件保护) 如果你有问题或准备创建奖学金和改变生活.

    ——Crystal Sin ' 19
    ——Crystal Sin ' 19




  • 冠名奖学金

    捐赠奖学金可以现在设立,也可以通过你的遗产计划为将来设立. 你的捐赠基金的本金——你的全部捐赠金额——将永远保持不变, 以收入的一定比例提供奖学金支持. 的 balance of earnings in excess of the amount approved annually for payout will be retained in the corpus of the fund, 让你的禀赋增长. 这也是纪念对你有特殊影响的人——家庭成员——的一种很好的方式, 一个珍贵的朋友或心爱的教师或员工导师.


    在这个层面上, your named endowed scholarship may support students with financial need with preferential award criteria that you determine, 例如申报的专业或研究兴趣领域.


    在这个层面上, 您的指定奖学金将支持任何被录取的有经济需要的学生.

    Contact the 大学发展办公室 if you have questions about creating or supporting a scholarship: 909.621.8130 or (电子邮件保护).

    请随意 查看匹泽现有捐赠奖学金的列表和描述.

  • Pitzer Promise奖学金

    如果捐赠金额在5000美元或以上,你可以提供一年的保险 值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台承诺奖学金 给有经济困难的优秀学生. 你会对你的学者有一点了解, 如果你允许的话, 他们会对你有所了解, 太!

    值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台承诺奖学金项目背后的部分理念是提倡“把钱传递出去”的精神, 奖学金获得者、20届校友海莉·伯格(Haley Burger)表达得很好:

    “I am very grateful for people like you who value education and understand the impact it can have on a person’s life. I hope I can continue this positive service and pass it forward by helping to change the world in my own way.”

    带着一份礼物e Pitzer Promise奖学金; 你可以帮助一个皮泽学生成为一个积极参与的世界公民. 这是对我们共同未来的投资.


  • 学者说了一切

    感谢你们给我这个殊荣! 能够就读于匹泽是一种巨大的荣幸,我每天都心存感激. 有了这笔奖学金,我将能够更顺利地追求我的学术和职业目标. 我和我的家人感谢你的好意.


    作为一个花了太多时间担心钱的低收入学生,谢谢你. 没有你们这样的捐助者,我不可能进入这所了不起的学府. 我永远感激.

    ——亚历山德拉·艾略特 ’18

    谢谢你!! 有了这份礼物, I will be able to help people as soon as I graduate and begin my life path of helping others immediately (instead of paying off loans). 我从心底感谢你给我的这份珍贵的礼物.


    非常感谢您给我这个机会——它不仅帮助我留在了匹泽, 但它让我以我从未想象过的方式成长.


    来自单亲家庭的, I have seen how hard my mother has worked to support me and give me the best life I could possibly have. I know that paying for college has always been a struggle for her and receiving this scholarship brings us both so much happiness. 没有足够的语言来表达我的感激之情.


    如果没有你这样的捐款者,我将无法进入我梦想中的学校. 对于像我这样充满激情的学生来说,这真的改变了他们的生活.

    ——Anya Deering ' 17

    非常感谢您对我学业目标的支持. 有人信任我的感觉真好! 经济支持帮助我实现我的生活和职业目标.


    我感谢您对我的教育所做的贡献. 从小到大,教育一直是我家庭的首要价值观,这种价值观一直灌输给我. 我非常感激我得到的任何帮助我实现目标的帮助.


    谢谢你!! 我非常感激能获得这份奖学金. Your generosity will allow me to continue to deepen my studies and push my understanding of the world.


    I’m so grateful and appreciative to attend Pitzer and wouldn’t be here without the generosity displayed by the donors.


    谢谢你的慷慨. You are allowing people the opportunity to find their pathway in life, to find what makes them happy.

    - Nicholas Popkey ' 16

    谢谢你! so much for supporting me and helping me with the wonderful opportunity to attend Pitzer College. 如果没有助学金,我不可能在这里做我现在做的事情.


    感谢您对我学业的支持! Pitzer is a very special place to me and your generosity makes my attendance at this institution possible. 能够获得这个奖项,我感到非常荣幸. 谢谢你!.


    You have lightened my financial burden which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school – learning! 你的慷慨进一步激励了我去帮助别人,回馈社会.  我希望有一天我能像您帮助我一样帮助学生实现他们的目标. 谢谢你!!


    非常感谢你的慷慨! 我和我的家人对你的贡献感激不尽, 这对我留在值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台真的很有帮助!


    非常感谢您对我的教育所做的贡献! 我非常感谢你的支持,感谢你的捐款.
